Monday, June 28, 2021

Don't Touch the Bully Maths


I was learning how to do don't touch the bully maths and how to use screencastify and how to do it.
I was also learning how to edit and how to post on screencastify do you want to know how to use screencastify first go on the google home page on a chromebook then you want to click on the puzzle piece in the corner and then you have it then  you want to click on it then press microphone then record and click on the screen and that is how you use it.

I enjoyed doing the don't touch the bully maths and posting it on my blog. I also enjoyed using screencastify and telling you what to do and when to do it and publishing this on my blog.

I found it challenging to do don't touch the bully maths and posting it on my blog. I also found it challenging to use screencastify and telling you what to do and when to do it and publishing this on my blog.

Next time i need to do a more harder equations and explain more thing about don't touch the bully maths and do more and more writing.  
  and publishing this on my blog. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

My Explanation Writing


walearnintwritDigitalearninobservatioDLO.walearninto  write it  an  Explaieverythinjusipiece  owriting.enjoyelearninhotmakchocolatanlearninnethingannewords.enjoyecreatinmDLansharinnethings.
founichallenging tfithingitinlittlspaces.founichallenging tfindifferenwordtexplaitpeople.Nextimneetbmorspecific imwritting.Nextimneetwritmorthingtansweyouquestions.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Real or fake


I was learning to make a fake media and how can you make a fake media look real.I Was learning to make a fake media look real and how to make it look real. I was also learning to writ, explain and act like i was a news reporter in my writing.

It was challenging to post it on my blog and think about how long should my writing be. It was also challenging to think about writing what shound do.

I enjoyed posting this on my blog and making my fake media. I also enjoyed acting like I was a news reporter and doing my writing.

Next time i need to do more writing and do more fake media.

Monday, June 21, 2021

At what rate will different liquids melt at?
