Wednesday, December 1, 2021

sister city palm Desert.


I was learning to learn more about palm desert like what do they do and where are they located.
I was also learning to how to use different sites and how to look closely at the site so you can spot different and interesting facts about new things that you don´t  now and you wound like to learn more about and who knows maybe you can teach other people about the website and they might be interested to.

I enjoy learning more about palm desert and the sister city program and how to use the program. I enjoyed doing the sister city program because you don´t just have to learn about palm desert you can learn about different cities and counties like mexico or usa that is why i enjoyed doing this activity here you can search the website and check it out -

I found it challenging to find a map and locate where pale desert is and i also found it challenging to post this on my blog and I found it challenging to find some interesting words to write about the site.

Next time i need to think more challenging things about what was challenging and write more interesting facts and write them in my sentence.

Friday, October 22, 2021

panda DLO.


I  was learning to make a DLO about an animal that we wanted to learn more about.And i wanted to learn more about pandas.
I was learning to make a DLO with mote and different pictures.

i enjoyed finding pictures to match my theme and seeing all of the cute little baby pandas.
I enjoyed writing facts about pandas and finding facts on google.

I found it challenging to find a quiet space to do my mote.
I found it challenging to find the right picture to fit perfectly in my DLO.

Next time i need to write more facts and not race my DLO.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

My Tinana


I was learning to write about my body and a special body part and the reason I choose hair,eyes and more because I just thought it would be easier to do and they were my special body features.
I was learning to write maori body parts and know what the body parts that i did in maori.

I enjoyed  write about special features about  my body 
I enjoyed writing this because it was like a poem and I like doing poems.

I found it challenging to think about something to describe my body.
I found it challenging to write the correct words and do them in maori.

Next time I need to describe my words more better. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Instruments of the orchestra.


I was learning to write a DLO about instruments of the orchestra.
I was learning to write and do mote for 30 seconds.

I enjoyed picking my background for my DLO.
I enjoyed inserting pictures and writing about them.

I found it challenging to write ante find interesting facts about instruments like violin cello and harp.
I found it challenging to find a quite space to do my mote.
I found it changing to do my mote because i couldn't  see the words.

Next time i need to write better words and not do the same words over and over again. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

My speech



founichallenge tspeauanactually samspeecbecaustherwerpeople  nextmantherwanquiespotssaiin front osompeople.
founichallenging traismvoicbecauswabishy.


Monday, June 28, 2021

Don't Touch the Bully Maths


I was learning how to do don't touch the bully maths and how to use screencastify and how to do it.
I was also learning how to edit and how to post on screencastify do you want to know how to use screencastify first go on the google home page on a chromebook then you want to click on the puzzle piece in the corner and then you have it then  you want to click on it then press microphone then record and click on the screen and that is how you use it.

I enjoyed doing the don't touch the bully maths and posting it on my blog. I also enjoyed using screencastify and telling you what to do and when to do it and publishing this on my blog.

I found it challenging to do don't touch the bully maths and posting it on my blog. I also found it challenging to use screencastify and telling you what to do and when to do it and publishing this on my blog.

Next time i need to do a more harder equations and explain more thing about don't touch the bully maths and do more and more writing.  
  and publishing this on my blog. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

My Explanation Writing


walearnintwritDigitalearninobservatioDLO.walearninto  write it  an  Explaieverythinjusipiece  owriting.enjoyelearninhotmakchocolatanlearninnethingannewords.enjoyecreatinmDLansharinnethings.
founichallenging tfithingitinlittlspaces.founichallenging tfindifferenwordtexplaitpeople.Nextimneetbmorspecific imwritting.Nextimneetwritmorthingtansweyouquestions.